Thursday, October 18, 2007

Is Evan truely missing?

At first, when I read the email regarding that Evan Trembley was missing, I honestly did feel sorrow at first for the family. Missing a person, especially a loved one, is a terrible feeling. The email did seem a bit suspicious at first being that it was missing some more basic information and that a certain part was put in quotes while the rest of it wasn't. It wasn't until searching on google about this guy that the truth was revealed.
On, they had this same email posted there, but they supplied info that showed it was fake. An example, the Police officer's information. There was no officer named Rick Williams at that police station and the proper name for it was 610 Holiday or something like that. I personally think that was a dumb thing to do on the prankster's side looking at all the comotion that was started from that email and how much people are actually responding to it. I now feel a bit dumb on my part for not noticing some of the signs quickly on the email and a bit of sorrow for Evan himself for getting himself into this giant affair.